September 8, 2021 12:30-1:30 pm Local Update Kimberly Schmidt, Extension Shawano County Agriculture Educator Are nitrate inhibitors beneficial? Carrie Laboski, UW-Madison Extension Soil Specialist Cover Crops that Best Scavenge N for Water Quality Jamie Patton, Senior Outreach Specialist, UW-Madison NPM Program
Soil health is something we hear a lot about these days. Cover crops, soil health tests, diversity in crop rotations, and reduced compaction are all ways to improve soil health. While it is true, cover crops and diverse rotations can improve soil health and tests to measure progress are good, there is some low hanging fruit that farmers may be missing when it comes to improving soil health.
Resources from the May 26, 2021 webinar.
Resources from the April 28, 2021 webinar.
Resources from the April 14, 2021 webinar.
Learn about the benefits of incorporating legume cover crops after winter wheat in a crop rotation.
Learn about cover crop termination timing, residual herbicides, and yield through research being conduction at UW-Madison that investigates the impact of fall-seeded cereal rye cover crops on weed control in corn and soybean fields in Wisconsin.
Learn about the crop rotation benefit of including a small grain, variety selection, planting guidelines, and nutrient and pest management practices.
Learn about UW-Madison research experiments that evaluate the value of cereal rye cover crops in non-GMO, food-grade soybean.
Resources from the March 10, 2021 webinar.
Decision making tools discussed in 2020 Badger Crop Connect webinars.
Cover crop resources from Badger Crop Connect 2020 webinars.