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▶ Watch: Wisconsin Ag Climate Outlook July 24
The July 24 Badger Crop Connect webinar featured Dr. Ed Hopkins, Wisconsin Assistant State Climatologist, and Natasha Paris, Extension regional crops educator for Adams, Green Lake, Marquette, and Waushara Counties. Ed and Natasha give an update on growing degree day accumulation, the status of corn and soybeans across Wisconsin, and trends in precipitation and soil moisture lately.
Managing Japanese Beetles in Wisconsin Corn and Soybean Fields
Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica) are an invasive beetle from Japan that feed on the leaves and flowers of crops. They mainly feed on corn and soybeans, but can also be a pest to ornamental plants, fruits, and turf.
Cover crop options after small grains and processing crops
Harvesting small grains or processing crops in the summer months provides a great opportunity to plant a variety of cover crop species that can achieve several different benefits or goals such as soil erosion protection, nitrogen (N) supply to subsequent grain crops, and weed suppression.
15 tips for designing fencing systems for managed grazing
A great deal of the success in a well-managed grazing system is owed to the design of the fencing infrastructure. Especially in managed grazing systems where livestock are rotated frequently, a well-designed fencing system that accommodates rotational grazing can make or break the system.
▶ Watch: Considerations for Manure and Cover Crops Following Wheat
Did you just harvest your wheat? Are you looking to maximize the benefits of manure applied to your wheat fields? What about capturing the additional growing degree days and planting a cover crop after your wheat is harvested? Check out our latest Bumper Crop video on essential tips for manure applications and cover crops after wheat harvest!
▶ Watch: July is National Corn Month; Let’s Chat N-Fixing Corn!
July is National Corn Month! Watch this new Bumper Crop video highlighting and appreciating one of America’s most versatile and essential crops and current research exploring the future of corn production.
▶ Watch: Micronutrient Deficiency Considerations
Michael Geissinger and Chris Clark, outreach specialists for the UW-Madison Extension Nutrient & Pest Management Program, meet at the field to talk about micronutrient deficiencies including how to assess if your crops have micronutrient deficiencies and research on whether or not applying foliar micronutrient fertilizer in season can correct them.
▶ Watch: Managing Tar Spot in Corn
Damon Smith, UW–Madison Extension field crops pathologist, and Michael Geissinger, outreach specialist with UW-Madison Extension Nutrient & Pest Management in Northwest Wisconsin, talk about the conditions this year, what that means for tar spot development, and management considerations for controlling it if it shows up in your field.
DON Considerations for Wheat Grown for Livestock Feed
DON (deoxynivalenol or vomitoxin) is a mycotoxin produced by the fungus responsible for Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), a common and economically important disease in small grains. DON is a problem because it is toxic to humans and animals. Grain grown on-farm and fed to livestock should be managed properly to avoid negative effects.
▶ Watch: Cover crop research updates at the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
The July 10 Badger Crop Connect webinar featured Jose Franco, a research agronomist with the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center (USDA). Jose summarized current research efforts at the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center on cover crops and continuous living cover. Ongoing research includes cover crop breeding efforts, work on alternatives to winter cereal rye following corn silage and some of the benefits of including flowering cover crops, and a whole systems approach to dairy forage systems evaluations.