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Emerging Crops Lunch and Learn: Hemp
Phillip Alberti and Dr. Derrick Grunwald from the Shelby Ellison lab at UW Madison talk about the latest hemp research.
Field Notes Episode 6: Frost Seeding
March is mud month in Wisconsin. While this season may not be particularly pretty on the eyes, the freeze and thaw of the soil presents farmers with an opportunity to seed small-seeded plants like clovers into a fall-established wheat crop.
Emerging Crops Lunch and Learn: Kernza
Priscila Pinto, postdoc researcher in the Picasso lab at UW-Madison, and Nicole Tautges, Agroecologist at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute in East Troy, WI, share their updates on Kernza perennial grain.
Emerging Crops Lunch and Learn: Hazelnuts
Jason Fischbach, Scott Brainard and Tressa Peskar talk about their research and the latest commercialization efforts with hazelnuts.
Understanding adjuvants used with agriculture chemicals
An adjuvant is a supplemental substance added to a spray mixture to enhance the performance and/or physical properties of the desired chemical. Using the correct adjuvant can have benefits such as reducing or eliminating spray application problems, which would improve the overall efficacy of the applied formulation.
Focus on corn silage
The first Focus on Forage session of 2023, Focus on Corn Silage, features Dr. Joe Lauer, UW Corn Agronomist, Dr. Damon Smith, UW Plant Pathology, and Kevin Jarek, UW-Madison, Division of Extension Crops/Soils Educator.
Field Notes Episode 5: Digital Agriculture
Data is the currency of the future. What does this look like for farmers? We sit down with Drs. Emily Bick, Extension-funded field and forage crop entomologist with University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Jim Eckberg, a scientist with General Mills, to find out. We talk on how sensors and imaging can help build back biodiversity and soils as well as how industry is working to spur the transition along.
Bale Grazing: a winter feeding strategy
Many grazing operations across Wisconsin may look similar during the growing season, but what differentiates them is winter. Graziers employ a variety of winter feeding strategies. For those who choose to keep their livestock outdoors year-round, bale grazing is a common approach. In bale grazing, bales are placed on pasture, often pre-set in a grid pattern prior to winter.
Consider pests when planning your vegetable rotations
Wisconsin is one of the top states for commercial vegetable production. With the diversity of crops available in a vegetable rotation, the puzzle pieces of locating each crop within the farm can be difficult to fit together each year. One of the factors to consider when planning your crop year is preventing pest problems.
Agricultural carbon credits: A deeper dive into key concepts for farmers and landowners
This article attempts to break down esoteric concepts such as additionality and permanence that are central to how carbon markets operate. It also highlights some important considerations that farmers and landowners need to keep in mind when deciding whether carbon credits are a good choice for their operation.