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High Cannabinoid Database

Midwestern Hemp Database
High Cannabinoid
Cannabinoid Hemp Database
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Welcome to the Midwestern Hemp Database (MHD) for high cannabinoid hemp!
The MHD is a series of interactive data visualization and variety selector tools which leverages grower-collaborator networks to provide research supported regional insight into agronomic performance and cannabinoid development of industrial hemp (grain, fiber, and high cannabinoid) varieties. For clarity, two databases have been developed depending on end use (grain/fiber and high cannabinoid). Research trials and associated outputs from the MHD are developed by the Midwestern Hemp Research Collaborative (MHRC).
The MHRC is a proud collaboration between University of Wisconsin-Madison (Phillip Alberti, Dr. Shelby Ellison), University of Illinois (Dr. D.K. Lee and Dr. Chance Riggins), Michigan State University Extension (Dr. James DeDecker), Purdue University Extension (Marguerite Bolt), Michael Fields Agricultural Institute (Esther Shekinah), Rock River Laboratory Inc., and grower-cooperators across the Midwest. These trials are supported in large part thanks to Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) via Partnership Grants (2021-2025). Sincere thank you to the many growers who have participated to this research via the Cultivar Check Program.
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Seed Suppliers
The following companies have generously supplied seed for the high cannabinoid hemp variety trials.