This annually updated reference guide is one convenient source for management information on the key pests of corn, soybean, forages, small grains, and stored grains and provides targeted information for Wisconsin growers.
You’ll find herbicide ratings for most common weed problems, summaries of herbicides in all these crops, insect thresholds, management recommendations, insecticide options for key insect pests, and disease management information ranging from sampling methods to key symptoms to fungicide options.
Read, download, or print a copy of Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops (A3646) below to learn more about pest management strategies specific to Wisconsin pests and crops.
Pesticide references and updates
References to pesticide products in this publication are for your convenience and are not an endorsement or criticism of one product over other similar products. You are responsible for using pesticides according to the manufacturer’s current label directions. Follow directions exactly to protect the environment and people from pesticide exposure. Failure to do so violates the law.
Note also that this publication is not a complete list of all pesticide labels. Several pesticides are marketed in numerous formulations and the common names of their active ingredients (e.g., atrazine, glyphosate, 2,4-D) are generally recognizable. In previous years, these pesticides were referenced by their common names. The publication now only refers to specific products and avoids making general comments with respect to an active ingredient. This change was made because the manufacturer decides many of a product’s restrictions and regulations. In many cases, various registrants for the same product have the same regulations and restrictions, but in an increasing number of cases, those regulations and restrictions differ. To avoid any confusion, products are now only listing the primary registrant(s) for products. Much of the information will be correct across multiple manufacturers, but please refer to the label if using a product different than the ones referenced in this document.
For updates throughout the growing season, consult the Wisconsin Crop Manager newsletter, available online at
Current pesticide labels are available online at
Measurements used in this publication vary according to common usage. In most cases, U.S. customary units (ounces, miles, etc.) are used, and values are expressed in decimals rather than fractions. In a few instances, metric units and/or fractions have been retained to avoid confusion.
Updated: Jan. 10, 2025