Scouting is more important now than ever. Why? Well, a general rule of thumb is problems are best handled early. This applies to insect pests as the earlier you see an infestation, the easier it is to avoid economic damage. So, you might be wondering, what should I be watching for right now?
Western bean cutworm (Striacosta albicosta) is an economic pest in dry bean and corn production. Despite its name, western bean cutworm (WBCW) does not naturally feed on field soybeans. Larvae feed on corn ears, leading to yield loss and reduced grain quality.
The July 24 Badger Crop Connect webinar featured Dr. Shawn Conley, Extension Soybean and Small Grains Agronomist and Professor in the Department of Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences, University of Wisconsin–Madison. Shawn discusses preliminary results from 2024 Wisconsin winter wheat performance trials including yield, test weight and disease presence data; cover crop challenges in 2024; and the status of soybean stands across Wisconsin.
The July 24 Badger Crop Connect webinar featured Dr. Damon Smith, Extension field crops pathologist and Professor in the Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin–Madison. Damon gives an update on what diseases he’s seeing in Wisconsin farm fields in late July 2024. He mainly discusses white mold in soybean and tar spot in corn and management practices for each.
Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica) are an invasive beetle from Japan that feed on the leaves and flowers of crops. They mainly feed on corn and soybeans, but can also be a pest to ornamental plants, fruits, and turf.
Damon Smith, UW–Madison Extension field crops pathologist, and Michael Geissinger, outreach specialist with UW-Madison Extension Nutrient & Pest Management in Northwest Wisconsin, talk about the conditions this year, what that means for tar spot development, and management considerations for controlling it if it shows up in your field.
Tools are available to help corn growers and dairy and livestock producers negotiate a fair price for corn silage.
True armyworms (Mythimna unipuncta) are a species of moth that lays their eggs in lush, green grasses. They mainly affect corn and wheat production. Pastures and grassy hay fields can also be at risk of damage.
The May 22 Badger Crop Connect session features Dr. Damon Smith, Professor and Extension Specialist of Field Crops Pathology. Damon talks about the disease situation in field crops as the field season gets started.
The May 22 Badger Crop Connect session features Dr. Rodrigo Werle, Associate Professor & Extension Specialist of Weed Science.
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is a valuable forage crop in Wisconsin, that supports dairy and livestock production. However, alfalfa production can be threatened by the alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica), a beetle pest that can significantly damage alfalfa foliage if left unmanaged.
The May 8 Badger Crop Connect session features Dr. Emily Bick, an Assistant Professor of Precision Pest Ecology & Extension Specialist for Field & Forage Crops at UW—Madison.