A powerful farm tool is a well-calibrated yield monitor. Typically installed on harvesters and combines, the technology uses GPS and sensors to measure and record crop yield, moisture levels, and other metrics in real time by location in field. Yield monitors have not changed much since the mid-1990s yet remain a reliable component of on-farm data when calibrated before harvest each season. Are your yield monitors calibrated and ready for harvest season? Boost your harvest with accurate data!
According to Iowa State University research, when compared to weigh tickets, calibrated yield monitors are within 1-2% of bushels for the entire field and within 5% of bushels for a single semi weigh ticket. The data gathered by calibrated yield monitors can be most valuable when used over time in a field with other data layers. Easily obtain include soil test layers, soil type, or aerial imagery.
How to Calibrate A Yield Monitor
Often yield monitor calibration gets lost during the harvest-time rush, but taking the time to calibrate your yield monitor can pay dividends to solid agronomic decisions. Explore the basic steps of how to calibrate your yield monitor and crop moisture sensor to obtain the most accurate information for making future crop management decisions in “Calibrate Your Yield Monitor for Greater Accuracy During Harvest” by Dr. Brian Luck.
For more information on calibrating your forage harvester, see Calibrating your Forage Harvester’s Yield Monitor – Integrated Pest and Crop Management, UW—Madison.