Badger Crop Connect
Timely, in-season crop updates for Wisconsin farmers and ag professionals
Second and fourth Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.
Badger Crop Connect is a free, twice-monthly webinar series during the growing season (April – Oct.) that connects Wisconsin farmers and ag professionals directly to research, resources, and strategies from UW–Madison to optimize crop yield, quality, and profitability on farms this year.
This series continues in its sixth year starting Thurs., April 10 at 12:30 p.m. with a weather and climate outlook, a market update and outlook, and spring soil condition status updates and management tactics.
This webinar is of interest to farmers, crop advisors, agronomists, and more. A wide range of topics will be addressed throughout the season. Regional and statewide Extension educators and specialists inform programming with what they’re seeing on real Wisconsin farms and within research.
Each webinar begins with an update from the Wisconsin State Climatology Office and continues by providing relevant crop and soil updates, agronomic considerations related to weather and climate, research-backed resources, and more to ensure farmers are as up-to-date as possible about the multitude of factors affecting their crop season.
To register, sign up for email updates, and watch recorded webinar content, visit go.wisc.edu/badgercropconnect.
Join industry experts, UW–Madison researchers, and Extension specialists and educators every second and fourth Thursday from April to October at 12:30 p.m. on Zoom for discussions on timely topics selected by educators based throughout Wisconsin. Dates are listed below.
April 10, April 24
May 8, May 22
June 12, June 26
July 10, July 24
Aug. 14, Aug. 28
Sep. 11, Sep. 25
Oct. 9, Oct. 23
Certified Crop Advisor CEUs will be available for webinars. Registration is required. Recordings of webinars will be available online for on-demand viewing.
If you have questions or are in need of accommodations, please contact Chris Bandura at bandura@wisc.edu.