The second Focus on Forage session of 2023, Focus on Alfalfa, features Dr. Mark Renz, UW Professor and Extension Specialist; Steven Okonek, Division of Extension Crops/Soils Educator; Mike Bertram, Superintendent @ Arlington Research Station, and Dr. John Jones, UW Soil Science. The webinar was designed to assist farms and agronomists in their alfalfa management decision-making and lead to improved economic return from Wisconsin’s alfalfa acres.
Dr. Renz details recent studies and in-field results of herbicide carryover effects on alfalfa seeding success. Okonek reviews potential economically important insects pests of alfalfa and proper management of same. Bertram provides an overview of the Wisconsin Alfalfa Yield and Persistence project, showcasing 2022 results of alfalfa yield and quality. Dr. Jones shares sulfur fertilizer sources, in-field availability of same, and impacts of sulfur fertilization on alfalfa yield.