In this video, Chris Clark and Jordan Kampa, outreach specialists for the UW-Madison Extension Nutrient & Pest Management program head to the field to talk about managing potassium in crops and the publication they co-authored on the Potassium Cycle, available now from the NPM program.
Dr. Mallika Nocco, UW-Madison Extension specialist in agrohydrology, and Landon Baumgartner, outreach specialist for the UW-Madison Extension Nutrient and Pest Management program for Southwest Wisconsin discuss the basics of grassed waterways, their function, and how they could fit on your farm.
Dr. Mallika Nocco, UW-Madison Extension specialist in agrohydrology, and Landon Baumgartner, outreach specialist for the UW-Madison Extension Nutrient and Pest Management program for Southwest Wisconsin discuss the basics of buffer strips, their function, and how they could fit on your farm.
Did you just harvest your wheat? Are you looking to maximize the benefits of manure applied to your wheat fields? What about capturing the additional growing degree days and planting a cover crop after your wheat is harvested? Check out our latest Bumper Crop video on essential tips for manure applications and cover crops after wheat harvest!
July is National Corn Month! Watch this new Bumper Crop video highlighting and appreciating one of America’s most versatile and essential crops and current research exploring the future of corn production.
Michael Geissinger and Chris Clark, outreach specialists for the UW-Madison Extension Nutrient & Pest Management Program, meet at the field to talk about micronutrient deficiencies including how to assess if your crops have micronutrient deficiencies and research on whether or not applying foliar micronutrient fertilizer in season can correct them.
Damon Smith, UW–Madison Extension field crops pathologist, and Michael Geissinger, outreach specialist with UW-Madison Extension Nutrient & Pest Management in Northwest Wisconsin, talk about the conditions this year, what that means for tar spot development, and management considerations for controlling it if it shows up in your field.