View weather and climate conditions this week in Wisconsin
Here are this week’s take home points about the weather, scroll down for the full report:
Current Conditions
•After a week of multiple rounds of rainfall, including severe storms, many stations in the state are at or above their 30-year precip normal for the year.
•Temperatures were seasonal last week, with high temps topping out in the mid 70s (N) to low 80s (S).
•Soil moisture levels improved compared to the week of 5/13, with further reductions in drought coverage.
•Soil temperatures are a bit warmer than the week of 5/13, with more-seasonal air temps.
•GDD accumulation in the state trends ahead of average pace, especially in the SE.
•Corn & soybeans are >70% planted, with emergence nearing 50% for both crops.
•The forecast is calling for more rain over the next week, but not as much as was received last week.
•Above normal temps as we head into early June, with probabilities for precip leaning below normal.
•The warmer-than-normal conditions have a higher probability to continue through the summer.
•A transition to La Niña is expected by June.
What does this mean for you? Here are some things to consider for your farm this week:
Planting Considerations
•Soil moisture is adequate or even high in most places. Be cautious about planting into muddy conditions, especially with more rain forecasted.
•In the event of poor soybean emergence, consider replanting using these tools to aid your decision
•As we near the end of planting season, consult your crop insurance agent before making decisions regarding prevent plant or replant
Nutrient & Herbicide Applications
•Consider doing tissue testing and pre-sidedress nitrate testing after crop has emerged to assess fertilizer need.
•Early planted corn and soybeans have emerged. Properly staging your crop assists with timing future applications. Growth stage guides available for corn, soybean and wheat at Growing Guides – Integrated Pest and Crop Management – UW–Madison (wisc.edu)
Manure Applications
•Runoff risk is low to moderate for the next week in the Southeast, East, and far North. Be mindful of the possibility of runoff and plan manure applications accordingly. Check the DATCP runoff risk advisory forecast here.
Pest Management
•Black cutworm feeding damage is ongoing throughout Wisconsin, and true armyworms are also still likely. Sign up to receive text alerts when pests are in your region here.
•Alfalfa weevil damage is present throughout the state
•Consider applying a fungicide on winter wheat as conditions have been right for Fusarium Head Blight and vomitoxin development, read more here.
Forage Management
•Watch alfalfa for lodging as RFQ values from lab testing are outpacing predictions based on PEAQ readings, favorable conditions have led to a crop that grows quite tall before entering reproductive stages