View weather and climate conditions this week in Wisconsin
Here are this week’s take home points about the weather, scroll down for the full report:
Current Conditions
- Temperatures over the last month have been within a degree above or below normal across most of the state.
- A large portion of the state has experienced 50% or less of average snowfall since late November, with the current snow pack limited mainly to the far north.
- Over the past 30 days, most of the state has experienced less than 1” of precipitation.
•A large portion of WI is in near-normal soil moisture percentiles thanks to rainfall during the latter part of fall.
•USDM drought severity improved by 1-2 classes since mid-November.
•Soil frost depth goes down a few to several inches across the state.
•Best 7-day chances for precip exist in the eastern and central counties, mainly from a significant snow event on Thursday (12/19).
•Following the snow, temperatures will very likely be warmer than normal to close out 2024, with a lean towards above-normal precip.
•The beginning of 2025 is more uncertain for temperatures and precip.
•La Niña is favored to be in place by September-November (according to the CPC); less of a chance for having a colder-than-normal winter.