View weather and climate conditions this week in Wisconsin
Here are this week’s take home points about the weather, scroll down for the full report:
Current Conditions
- The dry spell that we have experienced this fall was broken last week for many with multiple inches of rainfall to start November.
- Conditions remain warmer-than-normal for this time of year, with weekly high temps still reaching into the upper 70s for many in WI.
•The area of WI in very dry soil moisture percentiles was greatly reduced thanks in part to the rainfall. USDM map.
•USDM drought coverage area expanded prior to the rains last week.
•Corn harvest continues to run well ahead of normal pace, with soybean harvest all but complete.
•Winter wheat planting is nearly complete, with 82% of the crop emerged in WI fields.
•Statewide chances for additional precip next week, especially in the SW once again.
•The warmth looks to continue with Mid-November showing a higher probability to be warmer than normal, with a lean toward near normal precip.
•Late fall into early 2025 is more uncertain for temperatures and precip.
•La Niña is favored to be in place by September-November (according to the CPC); less of a chance for having a colder-than-normal winter.
What does this mean for you? Here are some things to consider for your farm this week:
Crop Development
•Soil is wet in many places, avoid working in wet fields when possible to reduce compaction issues.
•Be aware that nitrogen is still mobile as soil temperatures are still above 50F in most places.
•Tools available here for cover crop selection and their use in a forage rotation.
Manure Applications
•Runoff risk is low to moderate throughout the state in the next week. Be mindful of the possibility of runoff and plan manure applications accordingly. Check the DATCP runoff risk advisory forecast here.
•Consider the relationship between manure and cover crops, learn more here.
Forage Management
•Be mindful of prussic acid concerns in fields with standing sorghums.